Late Night Car Review – Sebring vs Fiesta vs TT

A late night triple car review…. Today I had to drive the Sebring to the storage yard to collect the Fiesta, to take that for a valet and then go and fetch the Audi TT, which we used for a Hotwheels hunt and then a late night blast to find Mr Beast chocolate bars. I’veContinue reading “Late Night Car Review – Sebring vs Fiesta vs TT”

The Three Counties Show Incident

Your long read…“The Three Counties Showground Incident’”by Geoff Buys Cars As some of you know, I volunteered to help our local primary school chaperone three classes of children on a visit to the Three Counties Show. Here’s what went down… The head teacher asked if I had four spare seats, to which I cooly repliedContinue reading “The Three Counties Show Incident”

El Presidente

Your long read…“El Presidente’”by Geoff Buys Cars Sweeping changes gripped the nation on Friday when a newcomer to politics was sworn in to replace the outgoing and disgraced prime minster Boris Johnson.  Car Enthusiast, Dad, YouTuber and Surfer Geoff Buys Cars had no previous history in politics and didn’t exactly know how the system works,Continue reading “El Presidente”

Is the sun setting on owning the cars we love?

For me, a big part of buying a car is the adventure. I’d seen this C70 T5 for sale in Plymouth, which is a good 3 hours from home, but Plymouth is almost Cornwall, and I fancied a day out. I also thought it would be a good one to offer as an alternative toContinue reading “Is the sun setting on owning the cars we love?”